Friday 18 December 2015

Jose Mourinho: Chelsea sack boss after Premier League fall.

Chelsea have decided to sack, manager Jose Mourinho, seven months after he led them to the Premier League title.
The 52-year-old Portuguese had been in his second curse at the club.

The Sun
cheek these out according to the sun sport news "Joes saked after Xmas lunch with team blues chief: right with players beyond repair.

Thursday 17 December 2015


Jose Mourinho

Jose Mourinho: Chelsea boss says 'sack me but I won't quit'.

Jose Mourinho said he will not quit as Chelsea manager and told the club they must sack him if they do not want him in charge.
The Premier League champions lost 3-1 at home to Southampton, their fourth league defeat in eight games.
"I want to make it clear. One, I don't run away," said Mourinho.
"Two, if the club want to sack me they have to sack me because I am not running away from my responsibilities or my team."
Chelsea are 16th in the table, 10 points behind leaders Manchester City, who thrashed Newcastle 6-1.
"To be champions now is very difficult because the distance is considerable," Mourinho told Sky Sports.
"But I am more than convinced that we will finish in the top four, and when the season is so bad if you finish in the top four it is OK.
"Third - and I think this is even more important than the first and the second - it is a crucial moment in the history of this club.

"You know why? Because if they sack me they sack the best manager this club had." said Mourinho.

Wednesday 16 December 2015


 Your thoughts leads to spoken words, words leads to actions, and your actions will finally lead to a successful or disastrous realisation. A man’s thought, can only lead to his success ether positively or negatively, some of us are so blind and pessimistic that we can’t easily see the brightness of life. Remember, a pessimist is someone who always see the darkest part of life and as well, have a negative view, and taste of life. While an optimist is one who always sees the brightest part of life and as well, have a positive view and taste of life. My fellow brothers and sisters, let us all face the challenges of life and accept our fault, mistakes and learn from it and have an optimistic mind-set in other to achieve our aim.
Let us be careful of our thoughts and our words before putting it into action, in other not to have a painful end. The bible, in Mathew 12: 34 said “out of the abundant of the heart, the mouth speaketh and as a man thinketh in his heart so shall he. You can now see that no one tells you what to do in life, but you tell yourself what to do at a given time and circumstance. This perpetually suggests that, the advice you give yourself, is more effective than what others gives you no matter where you find yourself. Based on that point, you need to think positive, and advice yourself positively to achieve your personal goals in life.
A man is the product of his thought, and the architect of his success or failure, these all depends on individual. Why then wax strong, and think positively to achieve your aims and goals.
However, the mind is the power house of the human thoughts. This simply implies that what you conceive in your mind keeps you going either forward or backward. This can as well mean that man is equal to his thoughts. The way you think, is equally the way you look. An evil man can never look happy and cheerful in his life, why? Because, he has activated his power house (mind set) with evil thoughts. With that single reason, he can never be happy and cheerful in life. The outward look of a man, tells you his actual situation and position in life. How can you be great in life, when you’re thoughts are immature. Brethren’s, let us start now to think big and get great achievement in life.
READ AND READ DON’T RELENT (R. R. D. R): Youthful stage is defined as the product of the number of books you have read and your impartation on people’s life. Do you know that there are so many people, out there waiting for your impact to get great in life? God has placed people under your custody as your responsibility to lift them to the next level.  But how would you know? When you have a blind vision and your mission not yet realised.
The type of books you read determined your thoughts and create an atmosphere for your impartation to the outer world. You can be who you want to be if you wish. Brethren’s do not stop reading, and avoid books that will not add any positive meaning in your life because what you have is what you will give out, so be wise.

You are as free as the air, nobody stops you from excelling except you. Determination today leads to success tomorrow based on your effort. The world is not a relaxation arena, but a place where everybody needs to struggle and be very careful of uncertainties that may occur.


The first thing we will be talking about is the definition of entrepreneurship and the skills required.
Definition: The ability and readiness to grow, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses.
In economics, free enterprise is combined with land, labour, natural resources and capital can produce profit. Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and risk-taking, and is an essential part of a nation's ability to succeed in an ever changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace.
Being successful often means learning from those who have already achieved their goals. Having a mentor is an amazing blessing to an entrepreneur, but not everyone can find one in person.
If you haven’t yet found your personal business guru, here are 21 tips for young or aspiring entrepreneur to help get you started.
1. Challenge yourself. 
Richard Branson says his biggest motivation is to keep challenging himself. He treats life like one long university education, where he can learn more every day. You can too! Go on challenge your selfnow.
2. Do work you care about. 
There’s no doubt that running a business take a lot of time. Steve Jobs noted that the only way to be satisfied in your life is to do work that you truly believe in.
3. Take the risk. 
We never know the outcome of our efforts unless we actually do it. Jeff Bezos said it helped to know that he wouldn’t regret failure, but he would regret not trying.
4. Believe in yourself.
As Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Believe that you can succeed, and you’ll find ways through different obstacles. If you don’t, you’ll just find excuses.
5. Have a vision. 
The founder and CEO of Tumblr, David Karp, notes that an entrepreneur is someone who has a vision for something and a desire to create it. Keep your vision clear at all times.
6. Find good people. 
Who you’re with is who you become. Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, noted that the fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be.
7. Face your fears. 
Overcoming fear isn’t easy, but it must be done. Arianna Huffington once said that she found fearlessness was like a muscle -- the more she exercised it, the stronger it became.
8. Take action. 
The world is full of great ideas, but success only comes through action. Walt Disney once said that the easiest way to get started is to quit talking and start doing. That’s true for your success as well.
9. Do the time. 
No one succeeds immediately, and everyone was once a beginner. As Steve Jobs wisely noted, “If you look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” Don’t be afraid to invest time in your company.
10. Manage energy, not time.
Your energy limits what you can do with your time, so manage it wisely.
11. Build a great team. 
No one succeeds in business alone, and those who try will lose to a great team every time. Build your own great team to bolster your success.
12. Hire character. 
As you build your team, hire for character and values. You can always train someone on skills, but you can’t make someone’s values fit your company after the fact.

13. Plan for raising capital.
Richard Harroch, a venture capitalist, has this advice for upcoming entrepreneurs: “It’s almost always harder to raise capital than you thought it would be, and it always takes longer. So plan for that.”
14. Know your goals. 
Ryan Allis, co-founder of iContact, pointed out that having the end in mind every day ensures you’re working toward it. Set goals and remind yourself of them each day.
15. Learn from mistakes. 
Many entrepreneurs point to mistakes as being their best teacher. When you learn from your mistakes, you move closer to success -- even though you initially failed.
16. Know your customer. 
Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s, cited knowing your customer as one of his three keys to success. Know those you serve better than anyone else, and you’ll be able to deliver the solutions they need.
17. Learn from complaints. 
Bill Gates once said that your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Let unhappy customers teach you where the holes in your service are.
18. Ask for customers’ input. 
Assuming what customers want or need will never lead to success. You must ask them directly, and then carefully listen to what they say.
19. Spend wisely. 
When you spend money on your business, be careful to spend it wisely. It’s easy to spend too much on foolish things and run out of capital too soon.
20. Understand your industry. 
Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos, once said, “Don’t play games you don’t understand, even if you see lots of other people making money from them.” Truly understanding your industry is key to having success.
21. Deliver more than expected.
Google's Larry Page encourages entrepreneurs to deliver more than customers expect. It’s a great way to get noticed in your industry and build a loyal following of advocates.

Being a successful entrepreneur takes a lot of work, a lot of vision and a lot of perseverance. These 21 tips, from entrepreneurs who have already found success, will help you navigate the path much more easily.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


Image result for institute of technology and management ugep

Speech from the rector of the school, advising student to be focused and take their studies serious, also make wise use of the facility that is provided for the student, by cross river state government (liyel Imoke).

The rector of the institute of technology and management Ugep, during the matriculation of the pioneer student 2014/2015 academic year, directly gave some wards of advise, advising them to be serious to their studies, and as well make good use of the learning facilities provided for them.
However, the rector further explain the vision and mission of the institute here in Ugep, yakurr local government area, Cross River State of Nigeria.      

Wednesday 9 December 2015


The United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Amb. Samantha Power, on Wednesday said that Nigeria urgently needed a viable military action to end activities of Boko Haram. The African Media Centre of the U.S. Department of State in a statement said that Power also called for a regional strategy to disrupt Boko Haram’s hideouts, weapons’ flow and means of recruitment.
“The repeated attacks by Boko Haram, which have killed 27 in the Lake Chad region, require viable military action and a wider regional strategy to disrupt their safe harbours, weapons flow and recruitment. “ It’s also essential that the socio-economic conditions areas being exploited by Boko Haram be addressed and that their dire humanitarian conditions be addressed as well,’’ it said.
The statement also said that it was imperative for government to ensure that the rule of law was returned to the affected parts of the North-East of Nigeria. It added that the U.S. envoy also stressed the importance of “decisively combating and defeating armed groups” in Nigeria.

The report also said that the perpetrators of violence and terrorism in the country needed to be held accountable while the internally displaced persons (IDPs) kept in safe places. “It is really important for leaders to begin to look at the welfare of their societies. “They should ensure stability and inclusive governance to ensure that basic dignity and human rights are protected,’’ it said.

Saraki dissociates self from N310m robbery.

 Senate President, Bukola Saraki has dismissed claims that he was the owner of the N310million said to have been stolen during a robbery operation involving some military and State Security Service (SSS) officials. In a statement on Tuesday by his Special Adviser (Media and Publicity), Yusuph Olaniyonu, Saraki said the stolen money did not belong to him and that he did not know the owner, who is said to be a Bureau De Change operator.
The Senate President said he was in Paris attending the Globe COP 21 Conference for Legislators on Climate Change when he read the report.
The statement read: “We want to say categorically that Saraki is not the owner of the stolen money. He does not know the owner who is said to be a Bureau de change operator. The Police that investigated the robbery incident and the SSS, issued a statement on it, can confirm that there is no link between the Senate President with the ownership of the money”.
“Unfortunately, two of the suspects in the case are said to be part of the men attached to the security team of the Senate President. As anybody could confirm, the SSS selects its officers who are attached to top officials. In most cases, the principal does not select who work in his security team.
“In fact, the first time the Senate President heard about the incident was when the Commissioner of Police, Abuja, requested the Aide-in-Camp to get his permission for the SSS agents to report to his office in connection with an on-going investigation on a robbery incident”.

Thursday 3 December 2015


Image for the news result
Yerima, a politician known for his essential views on national issues, cautioned President Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigeria Armed Forces against the use of force on the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Movement for the Survival of the Sovereign State of Biafra ( MASSOB), saying the groups were on a legitimate struggle for self-determination and should be allowed to exercise their fundamental rights.
He disagreed with President Buhari and the top echelon of the Nigeria Armed Forces on the handling of the renewed agitation by the groups to revive the defunct Republic of Biafra saying they should be more matured and accommodating in a democracy.
Yarima, who was speaking in Abuja said it was wrong for people to classify the agitators who have been campaigning for the revival of the defunct Republic of Biafra as secessionist because they have legitimate rights under the Nigerian Constitution to express their views on any issue.
He said that rather than treat the agitators as rebels who must be forced to either remain in Nigeria or be crushed, the Federal Government should find out why the agitation has been growing by the day.
In recent weeks, there have been a series of public demonstrations across the five states of the South-East geo- political zone as well as spreading into Delta and Rivers states in the South- South geo- political zone. In the wake of the mass rallies, President Buhari had warned the groups that he would not tolerate actions that could lead to the dismemberment of the country.
On the strength of that pronouncement, the Nigeria Armed Forces has also issued warnings to the agitators to bury their dreams of having a separate country or be prepared to face the full weight of the military. But Yarima argued that though he believed in the unity of Nigeria, the agitators should be allowed to express their views freely.

According to him, there should be no compulsion in a democracy and the Indigenous People of Biafra must not be compelled to belong to Nigeria. He said that rather than use force to subdue the agitators,
The former governor, now a Senator, told newsmen that consequently, the federal government and the security agencies must allow them to exercise their fundamental human rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. Further advice the federal-government should hold a survey in the region, to determined if it is the wish of the people to pull out of Nigeria and form their own republic.

Wednesday 2 December 2015


Biafra protesters

Protesters who are in support of biafra.
The southern easterners, have deiced not to rest until, the biafran republic is created. The Biafrans tends to be increasing their desire to getting the nation of their own, and the information has gotten across some of the states in Nigeria, including Abuja (FTC).
The image of a woman is the wife of the director of Radio Biafra.
Uchechi Okwe-kanu, the wife of the controversial director of Radio Biafra has demand for the release of her husband, who had been detained for two months.