Wednesday 16 December 2015


 Your thoughts leads to spoken words, words leads to actions, and your actions will finally lead to a successful or disastrous realisation. A man’s thought, can only lead to his success ether positively or negatively, some of us are so blind and pessimistic that we can’t easily see the brightness of life. Remember, a pessimist is someone who always see the darkest part of life and as well, have a negative view, and taste of life. While an optimist is one who always sees the brightest part of life and as well, have a positive view and taste of life. My fellow brothers and sisters, let us all face the challenges of life and accept our fault, mistakes and learn from it and have an optimistic mind-set in other to achieve our aim.
Let us be careful of our thoughts and our words before putting it into action, in other not to have a painful end. The bible, in Mathew 12: 34 said “out of the abundant of the heart, the mouth speaketh and as a man thinketh in his heart so shall he. You can now see that no one tells you what to do in life, but you tell yourself what to do at a given time and circumstance. This perpetually suggests that, the advice you give yourself, is more effective than what others gives you no matter where you find yourself. Based on that point, you need to think positive, and advice yourself positively to achieve your personal goals in life.
A man is the product of his thought, and the architect of his success or failure, these all depends on individual. Why then wax strong, and think positively to achieve your aims and goals.
However, the mind is the power house of the human thoughts. This simply implies that what you conceive in your mind keeps you going either forward or backward. This can as well mean that man is equal to his thoughts. The way you think, is equally the way you look. An evil man can never look happy and cheerful in his life, why? Because, he has activated his power house (mind set) with evil thoughts. With that single reason, he can never be happy and cheerful in life. The outward look of a man, tells you his actual situation and position in life. How can you be great in life, when you’re thoughts are immature. Brethren’s, let us start now to think big and get great achievement in life.
READ AND READ DON’T RELENT (R. R. D. R): Youthful stage is defined as the product of the number of books you have read and your impartation on people’s life. Do you know that there are so many people, out there waiting for your impact to get great in life? God has placed people under your custody as your responsibility to lift them to the next level.  But how would you know? When you have a blind vision and your mission not yet realised.
The type of books you read determined your thoughts and create an atmosphere for your impartation to the outer world. You can be who you want to be if you wish. Brethren’s do not stop reading, and avoid books that will not add any positive meaning in your life because what you have is what you will give out, so be wise.

You are as free as the air, nobody stops you from excelling except you. Determination today leads to success tomorrow based on your effort. The world is not a relaxation arena, but a place where everybody needs to struggle and be very careful of uncertainties that may occur.

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